Mysql/mariadb increase innodb_buffer_pool_size

NethServer Version: NS7
Module: mysql

hello everyone.
I have a query with the mysql configuration. I am using mariadb and I need to increase the innodb_buffer_pool_size parameter that by default of nethserver comes in 128Mb and I need to increase it to 4.7Gb.
I have tried many ways and it has not been possible

google: increase the innodb_buffer_pool_size parameter
2nd URL =>


I have made the configuration through a terminal in mysql but it does not allow the size change since the parameter would not have write permission

I have used this command.
mysql> SET GLOBAL innodb_buffer_pool_size=…;

Hi @Eugenio_Melo1

You would need to run the command with the correct permissions (root user of mysql/mariadb).
This data can be found under /var/lib/nethserver/secrets/.

Another Option would be to install the PHPMyAdmin module from Stephdl
See here, there are several versions, depending on the MariaDB version you are using:

These operate with the correct permissions.

My 2 cents

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I have made the configuration through a terminal in mysql but it does not allow the size change since the parameter would not have write permission

I have used this command.
mysql> SET GLOBAL innodb_buffer_pool_size= …;