My Nethserver story


Below, you can discover my home setup:

At the bottom, on the front… My “EX” router, one Ubiquity EdgeRouter PoE.
A wonderful router, that give me lot of fun, but cannot do proxy cache, because it’s not design for this feature. It can do proxy filtering, but no cache…
When i was looking to replace this router, I was analyzing all hardware alternatives, self making firewall… It was at least a buck of $300.
When I saw the HP Microserver for $240 and RHEL/CentOS/Suse compliant, I had enter in collapse :sweat_smile:
With one 160 Gb disk and 4Gb RAM and one more NIC, it was approximately the same price that a self-made computer, but with enterprise class server, and big room for disk improvment… And a good cooling.

I bought it, thinking to put a ClearOS.

I try ClearOS 7.1 RC1, it was working great on the Microserver, easy to setup… But it was a Release Candidate.
Not satisfying with a RC for my home… I was thinking, waiting for the Final version: “I will try alternative”, and put Nethserver 6.6.
Nethserver was all I need, final version, community driven (without EULA, like ClearOS)…Love at first look :heart_eyes:

Now It is tranquilly installed as firewall gateway, do it’s job trustily, make Time Machine backup, and deliver a good network for a Mac, a Time Capsule ( 2 with itself ), two Raspis OpenElec, smartphones and tablets…

In the future, It will serve as Unifi Controller, the UAP point is already here, on the printer., to replace the hot Time Capsule, as access point, but the TC will stay as backup… A redundant backup is always good.
And when I will sell my Ubiquity, the Microserver will receive more Hard Drives to serve as Plex Server.

If the NAS function arrive on Nethserver, I will buy a second Microserver to do the job…

Thanks to read.


I think without this community and Team Nethesis this would not be possible.


Thanks for sharing! I like stories like this hope other members will following your example.
Thanks for having tried an alternative! :wink: