Hi Ereryone reading this!
I am a longtime NethServer user, migrating at around 2015 from SME Server to NethServer for all of my roughly 30 clients. At around the same time, I quit using VMWare ESXi and migrated to using Proxmox as my chosen Hypervisor.
I’ll say today: I never regretted both moves!!!
The past Weekend, I migrated a client of mine, a doctors practice, to NS8 RC1. No, not even released!!!
But truth is, I trust the people in the Dev Team so much that I migrate before it’s even released!
And I must say, I wasn’t disapointed!
The system is working from day one to the pleasure of all involved.
And: To all not aware of it, a doctors practice often involves more than the usual plethora of devices like servers, workstations, storage (NAS), Tablets and Smartphones… How about X-Ray machines, Ultrasonic Imageers all trying to store their DICOM images to some AD integrated Storage…
Even though the AD changed it’s IP, all clients, even the “devices” found the needed information and were able to access storage, servers, what ever!
→ The AD in NS8 seems to work very well!
Expose more features in the GUI, please!
My Kudos to all Devs involved, but also to the users of this platform / Forum, contributing in testing and reporting found bugs!
Great Work, Everyone!
My 2 cents