Hi, I have been wrestling with this for a while and am looking for some help/guidance.
I have purchased a new domain and have built a new nethserver configured with the new domain. What I want to do is export all the data (i.e. mail, aliases, freepbx setup) from my old machine on the old domain to the new one. So, for example, the mailbox sharon@newdomain includes all her old emails from sharon@olddomain.
All the guides I have read say that my user accounts will be deleted if I change the domain on the old system and I am desperate not do this. If I use the backup/process process will that not just put the old domain on the new computer? It would be great if I could also port the freepbx/asterisk stuff as well as I have spent a lot of time setting it up how I want. One final thing is that the old domain will retired as soon as we can get this working.
Thanks for your help!