More Info in Cockpit-Dashboard

Please be explicit otherwise your feedback couldn’t be useful from the product perspective. What would you change/add at the dashboard?
Paste images and mockup so we can discuss them.

Or like in the reports module (dante)…

As told before, Cockpit needs way more pixels (in width) than NethGUI. Some says that’s a feature…

Please look at the old dashboard,
One look and I can see, what’s OK or what’s wrong:

  • Software RAID status
  • Load 1 / 5 / 15 minutes
  • Antivirus database status
  • Interfaces Links
  • Memory usage
  • Backup result
  • Root partition usage
    It needs only some seconds to look at this every day, if all is in green range.
    Only missed the software status - are there updates ? This I solved with a daily email to my account.
    The system information could be on another tab, like
  • System version
  • Kernel release
  • Subscription
  • Accounts
    and so on …
    Hope you understand, what I mean
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Thank you all for the feedback, we will analyse the feature and see what we can achieve :wink:


I tend to think that a good supervision gives you back the error, not the good state, so too much information is not good.

For instance BackupPc sends me an email when the backup fails and the hosts states is not really on the front page. However do not get me wrong, I am a developer, I like to add code and when I read your NFR I found that the raid software state is missing, this could be added

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can we get something like that for the other partitions? or a box with the ability to display which partitions we’d like to see?

It’s a way of thinking. But… An error can trigger an alert, which could be addressed to Sysadmin, HR, Application manager.
Sometimes seeing the problem raising and growing before it detonates can be an interesting data for some sysadmins.
For instance, disk occupation rises from 60% to 80% in two days. It’s still not a problem, but can trigger the Sherlock Holmes mode for finding “who’s consuming disk space today” and defuse the bomb before it detonates…

this is the job of zabbix, a sysadmin’s job is to watch the coffee machine :wink:


Zabbix currently is not a official package of NethServer.
On the other side… Coffee Machine? dear @stephdl may i think you have a sweet spot for the black potion? :smiley:

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in nethgui we have this for raid status

Screenshot (5)

maybe with virtualization is less useful because the raid is on the hypervisor

Not all NethServer installation are on hypervisors. Therefore a raid monitor widget should be available (at least as option)

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For me this is not a good solution, if backup and sending mail fails you didn’t notice it.

Screenshot (7) Screenshot (6)

The raid is monitored by mdadm, if a device fails, then an email is sent to root. I think it is enough


Hallo again,
understand your position - but … what happens if at instance an error in mail system prevent the error message ?
I’m not a great programmer, but I know this situation and there are more maleficent traps in server systems.
I learned in my job, it’s better to get every day 10 mails about server actions in the night - good or bad.
If one message is missing - I have to control why !

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well I tend to think the dashboard is not a supervision, what about if you do not connect to the dashboard, you could miss also some important informations. So yes there is no perfect system, but you could make a reliable system.

For example if your email server is on the system where you run the supervision, it is easy to deliver email on the localhost, you can use also telegram or any IRC system to send alerts.

You have many many ways to do it.

Greedy face on.
Telegram Plugin for cockpit?
I am SO interested…


Hallo again,

it was an unfortunate example…
But please take a look to the old Dashboard and then to new …
And then try to get the same informations … klick +klick+klick+klick… :slight_smile:

  • RAID status ?
  • Antivirus database ?
  • Memory & swap ?
  • Backup ?
  • root partition usage ?

Think what you like to think - I hope the old dashboard is available too on next version.
Today I saw directly that my system is OK - but the USB-HD for ext.Backup is red (95,5% used)
Max. 10 seconds …

Please think about …

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@roihei your latest car cockpit and seat has the identical setup about everything than your older one?
IDK… power windows? Power seats? Climate control? Even… headlights?

I can agree that “Cockpit is not the same” about NethGUI. So.
Can you edit your partitions via NethGUI?
Can you restore files from NethGUI?
Can you create shortcuts on NethGUI?

If you want the same thing, install the same thing. But getting used today maybe could ease some tough tasks tomorrow.

install nethserver-dante and make it at your taste