Mixed language Cockpit!?

So, I am in Greece (so I suspect my time zone set has something to do), but I want to use EN GUI.
When I login, I get a mix of Greek and English configuration items. I suspect they would all be Greek, but the Greek translation is just missing most Cockpit strings. Or it is just that the bug is worse than expected. :smiley:

Anyway when I go to top right to select GUI language, English is selected already! (good) But if I re-click it, then the “mixed language” environment changes to full English like it was supposed to be already.

Looks like a bug to me.

My best guess is that your browser is set for greek language and some strings are taken from your browser setting.
The nethserver translation project tries to create as many complete locales but it is a 100% community effort.
@translations_team probably can help here to point you to make the greek version complete.

Can you give an example of mixed GUI?
Is this in old server manager (NethGUI) or new servermanager (cockpit)?

Yes it is very possible my browser has EL as preferable over EN.
Yet, NethServer setting DOES show “English” (which is what I want btw and I hope it is stored in user config).
So surely there is a discrepancy somewhere.

I would love to help complete the Greek version when I have the time, but it is not the version I want to use.

I can give you an example when I see it happen again, I will take a screenshot.

Erm… I say “Cockpit” up there in the title. :smiley:

Here you cann see the interface being in a mixed Greek/English environment (maybe it is just “pure” Greek, but it is not fully translated yet), when my settings show “English”.
If I just click on “English” again, the interface DOES become English for real.
I would like the system to remember my choice and enforce it regardless of browser’s default language settings.