NethServer Version: 7.9.2009
Module: NS8 migration
after long procrastination I am now looking into migrating my NS7 to NS8.
And this is not easy I must say… I’ll add some topics here coming days. Starting with this one.
According to documentation, the migration tool on NS7 should show a field LDAP user domain
when using a local OpenLDAP account provider. I do (the one integrated in NS7), but this field does not show up.
Is documentation wrong on this? Or do I mis-understand?
And while I am on this page, should I enter the IP address of NS8 on which I access the cluster admin page (192.168.1.xx)? Or the VPN address of Node 1 ( )?
It’s one of the recently added features, see also NethServer project milestone 8.3
On my NethServer VPS where LDAP is used, the field is shown.
Is the latest migration tool (1.1.0) installed?
[root@nethserver ~]# rpm -q nethserver-ns8-migration
Yes, the host name or IP address of the NethServer 8 cluster leader node.
Ah, indeed updating this tool did the trick. Thanks.
But I think I miss a fundamental understanding of networking in this case.
I’ve installed NS8 using the qcow2 image in my proxmox env. At first it received an IP via DHCP, I’ve made that static using nmtui (set to, fitting in the rest of my 192.168.1.x network).
Next I connect to the cluster-admin interface, where I need to setup a leader node / VPN. Node 1 is on
To what IP address should my leadernode resolve? The 192 address? Or the 10. address?
" ip a" on the VM shows 2 interfaces (and lo) one for each IP. The link 10. appears down.
More, on neither of these I see an open port 55820. Should that already be there? Or is the VPN started later in the process?
A connection to the NS8 fails with a timeout.
Edit: when trying to connect I see a connection-attempt to the vpn address:
ns7-machine:35978 SYN_SENT
So, the tool tries to connect to the interface that is down. Should it have been enabled after creation?
The 192 address.
The VPN IP address is just for internal communication of the NS8 cluster.
Yes, the VPN is started after the connection to the NS8 could be established.
Did you enter a hostname or an IP? The hostname needs to be resolved correctly on NS7.
Yes, after connecting to the NS8 the wireguard connection should be started and working.
There’s no need to enable it manually.
OK, I know see my applications to migrate. Although I did not change anything as far as I know…
So happy with a test-environment to figure this stuff out all together…
Thanks so far. I maybe come back here for a new posting…