NethServer Version: 7.9
Module: Backup
Retrieving old server. After update and reboot, backup on the usual directory. Duplicity answer “all good, buddy”.
Repurpoused server, currently doing something else.
Installed NS 7.9 as ESXi 8.0 guest (bummer, do not support UEFI safe boot. Whatever). Installed, reboot.
Installed some packages from command line (mc, alpine, nano, screen). Updated using yum update, newer kernel and such.
Accessed to Cockpit, setup the hostname. Extracted backupconfig.tar.xz from backup location. Uploaded as configuration backup. Restore tried several times.
No way to restore, always this command fail at 50% (sort of)
echo '{"action":"restore-backup-config","data":"u01","InstallPackages":"enabled","SkipNetwork":"disabled","remap":{"enp3s0":"ens34"}}' | /usr/bin/setsid /usr/bin/sudo /usr/libexec/nethserver/api/system-backup/execute | jq
Currently network adapter is DHCP client, updated nicely all the stale ISO.