Migrating from SME 9.2 - mailman

NethServer Version: nethserver-7.9.2009-x86_64
Module: mailman

On the road migrating from SME. There are two more important contribs/programs for me to go. One is mailman. I saw in the forum a few threads but not clearly a solution for migrating. Maybe there’s still interest. Here’s my approach.

I installed from epel mailman-2.1.15-30.el7.x86_64. I followed mainly this https://wiki.contribs.org/Mailman (for exporting) and https://www.server-world.info/en/note?os=CentOS_7&p=mail&f=11 for installing on the NS. Mailman is up and running.

While there are old lists to move I found this:


Specially 4.2 might be helpful if FQHN has changed. In the SME box there are events to call for this procedure which makes life easier.

I’d like to template the customizitions I made, so they can’t be lost at the next update. Any help for creating templates for the /etc/mailman/mm_cfg.py and the /usr/lib/mailman/Mailman/Defaults.py would be appreciated.

on the wiki of nethserver you have a module for sympa, did you have a go ?

No clue for migration


Thank you for pointing me on to this. But you know - I’m some kind of an old horse. In the 80s I learned “never touch a running system”. Moving from SME to NS is some kind of challenge to me. If possible I’d like to migrate the programs/contribs/modules without changing too much. Right now I’m happy, that on the next monday the users hopefully dont’t realize that there’s a new distro in the background. Of course, no HORDE anymore. I couldn’t manage it, it was too instable for production env. Now it’s SOGo. Most are working with thunderbird, maybe this part of the staff will have less problems.

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