Migrate Firewall from NS7 to Nethsecurity

Hi everyone
I’m on NS7 that has migrate nextcloud and LDAP on NS8 but this machine also is the current firewall for the customer’s.
So i need to move this module firewall to Nethsecurity, i install in software center “Firewall Migration” and open the app and now is about 30 minutes in this state:

I can’t reproduce.

Make sure to have the latest package: nethserver-firewall-migration-0.0.13-1.ns7.noarch

If you already have it, try to execute the following command on the console and report back the output:

echo '{"action":"export"}' | /usr/bin/sudo /usr/libexec/nethserver/api/nethserver-firewall-migration/dashboard/read | jq
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Hi @giacomo
I alredy done the migration in “old way” meaning i configure nethsecurity from scratch, because customer’s has basic configuration.
Thanks anyway :slight_smile: