I also tried using the newer “Websocket” option, which does not work - at least without a “path” it does not.
What would be a correct path for MeshCentral, assuming it could work?
Or is it not possible for MeshCentral to work behing NethServers Reverse Proxy at all?
Many thanks!
BTW: The Module is working without issues in several installations. Only here I may need a reverse Proxy…
Maybe it’s a LAN/reverse proxy issue? Did you try if it works from WAN?
In /etc/httpd/conf.d/zz_meshcentral.conf there are some rewrite lines, maybe they’re needed.
You may add them in a custom reverse proxy conf file like zz_meshcustom.conf instead of the one configured in the server manager on the NethServer with the reverse proxy.
It works when you open the port 8989 on the Meshcentral Nethserver by creating a service and set the proxy to redirect to “Enable Websocket” is needed too.
Do I still need to forward the normal Ports 80/443?
And how, as NethServer ReverseProxy only allows one IP/Port with that specific name…
Without the port-forwarding for Ports 80/443, the webpages keeps searching until timeout.
Note: The NethServer doing the Reverse Proxy is NOT the firewall, this is an OPNsense box.
I’ve tried forwarding Port 8989 to (ReverseProxy) and directly to (Mesh), both did not work.
No, as you use reverse proxy, no port forwarding is needed.
You don’t need to open 8989 as it’s just used internal.
I have the same config.
My opnsense port forwards 80 and 443 and to Neth 1.
Neth1 reverse proxies to Neth 2 port 8989.
Neth2 provides Meshcentral and has open port 8989.
Logging into a test PC via VPN/RDP.
From there via Browser to https://mesh.domain.tld and logging on as admin (AD now working).
Installing an Agent on the PC - no issues.
On the WebInterface of MeshCentral, nothing shows up?
Where you able to connect an external PC in your Setup?