Memory is getting full


I noticed the red line in the Nethsecurity dashboard.
Not sure if this is an issue or not, but maybe somebody knows this or a way to free the memory again.
A reboot did not work

Could you please show the output of the following 3 commands?

df -h
du -shc /overlay/upper/* | sort -h
du -xshc /* | sort -h

Apparently is it solved.
I removed the Storage disk sdb and added it back directly in the UI and the memory is back to normal


df -h
Filesystem                Size      Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/root                49.5M     49.5M         0 100% /rom
tmpfs                   995.7M     39.9M    955.8M   4% /tmp
/dev/loop0              248.6M     66.4M    182.2M  27% /overlay
overlayfs:/overlay      248.6M     66.4M    182.2M  27% /
/dev/sda1                16.0M      6.4M      9.5M  40% /boot
/dev/sda1                16.0M      6.4M      9.5M  40% /boot
tmpfs                   512.0K         0    512.0K   0% /dev
/dev/sdb1              1003.4M      1.7M    934.6M   0% /mnt/data
du -shc /overlay/upper/* | sort -h
3.5K    /overlay/upper/boot
4.5K    /overlay/upper/sbin
5.5K    /overlay/upper/root
7.0K    /overlay/upper/mnt
14.0K   /overlay/upper/opt
227.5K  /overlay/upper/bin
1.1M    /overlay/upper/lib
2.2M    /overlay/upper/etc
3.1M    /overlay/upper/www-ns
8.0M    /overlay/upper/usr
14.7M   total
du -xshc /* | sort -h
du: /proc/21191: No such file or directory
0       /dev
0       /lib64
0       /proc
0       /sys
0       /var
0       /www
3.5K    /bin
3.5K    /mnt
3.5K    /root
3.5K    /sbin
10.5K   /lib
14.0K   /opt
19.5K   /www-ns
185.5K  /etc
298.5K  /usr
5.8M    /boot
14.7M   /overlay
40.0M   /tmp
179.2M  /rom
240.2M  total