MD5 sum mismatch

Just discovered NethServer, while frustrated with Zentyal.

Downloaded 6.7 onto server for testing and MD5SUM did NOT match.

Downloaded same version to workstation, got the same MD5SUM there. Also tried SHA1 sum, which also did not match.

Surely I’m not the only one to check the sums?

Thanks for your request.
Please share your hashes, and try to install from this ISO that you have downloaded.


From the original download on the server:
tom@aog-mail:~/Downloads$ md5sum nethserver-6.7-x86_64.iso
695ac8fe87b21501cc438abc411d8f02 nethserver-6.7-x86_64.iso
From my workstation:
tom@wizard327:/media/tom/250GBEXT3/iso$ jacksum -a sha1 nethserver-6.7-x86_64.iso
1e4d822b92d391c2f5d93f33af8a034cdcf2cf7e nethserver-6.7-x86_64.iso
tom@wizard327:/media/tom/250GBEXT3/iso$ md5sum nethserver-6.7-x86_64.iso
695ac8fe87b21501cc438abc411d8f02 nethserver-6.7-x86_64.iso


2 posts were split to a new topic: Unable to get roundcube installed

@alefattorini I think the digests are wrong on this page

Could you have a look at them?

Here are the right ones:

Sure, you’re right they’re wrong
I have just modified them, check it.

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