Mattermost NS8/confirmations


I am setting up a mattermost server,

Email confirmations for local domain is fine,

but when using a foreign domain/email the confirmation email doesn’t go out (like for gmail , and yet I can send emails personally from the inside to gmail’s) .


Just an update

avril 18 12:05:18 host mattermost-app[4467]: error [2024-04-18 10:05:18.442 Z] Failed to send verification email successfully caller=“web/context.go:117” path=/api/v4/users/email/verify/send request_id=43aktf6q3bffi86trkghn5sbje ip_addr= user_id= method=POST err_where=SendVerifyEmail http_code=500 error=“SendVerifyEmail: Failed to send verification email successfully, unable to connect to the SMTP server: dial tcp connect: connection refused”

root  ~  ss -ntua|grep -w 587

tcp LISTEN 0 100*
tcp LISTEN 0 100 [::]:587 [::]:*

root  ~  telnet 587
Connected to
Escape character is ‘^]’.
220 host.domain.tld ESMTP Postfix

And I don’t see how delete users without mounting the container and using mmctl commands Or doing that with the postgres instance .

After more tests, from local domains too the problem occurs.
which is logical from what the log says .

FYI, I saw that the Mattermost module has been updated.

I did update, problem persists.

Wipe and reinstall the application, problem persists .


Did you already try to use your mail server FQDN instead of in the mail notification settings?

I think one should deactivate the users instead of deleting because it means to also remove all posts and activities and seems only possible from CLI, see also How to delete user accounts - Docs - Help Wanted - Mattermost Discussion Forums

I didn’t think setting Nethserver’s notification would alter matermost’s notification, thank you, it worked for connection and sending outside .

About user deletion, I need them deleted period :slight_smile: and whatever they had wrote … .
I guess this is an up-steam feature (GUI) that has not been implemented … .

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