Hello guys, I am using Nethserver 7.9. The server runs perfectly but when i shut it down it takes 5min to stop MariaDB server. Is it a problem to the healthy running server ?
Hi @ns_nirosh
I remember having the same problem.
There is a parameter somewhere to add and it will change that.
I think it is in the conf
file of MariaDB.
If I find it, I will come back to you.
Hello Michelandre, thanks very much for the reply. I will waiting for the answer.
Hi @ns_nirosh
I went through all my documents and didn’t find my solution.
Make sure the time is right on the server.
Googling about it I found:
Hi MIchelAndre, you are correct. I have realized that the bios time is 2 hrs back than the actual time. Now I have edited via webadmin the correct time but bios time is still the same. I think there is an issue with server bios. Thanks for the idea and googling.
Hi @ns_nirosh
You changed the time in the BIOS ?
Also, NTP is active in Server Manager ?
I have changed system time in the BIOS, but after 1/2 hour it runs in a time that 2 hrs behind the actual time.
NTP server is set to pool.ntp.org and it runs correct time. Now nethserver command prompt also shows me correct time (date command). But BIOS not sincronizing with correct time and it doesn’t run more than 2hrs behind.
thanks again for the support.
hi Andre, this is a physical machine, our domain controller + vpn server
Hi @ns_nirosh
Did you tried changing the BIOS Battery ?
If you change it, verify all the settings after, or load the Deaults.
Hi Michelandre, I did not try to change the BIOS BATTERY. If i change it do i have to load defaults and check the settings again? And I have configured Hardware RAID, will it be destroy and I have to reconfigure? After reconfigure it will never effect to OS?