I like to copy/sync files and mails from NS7 to NS8…
NS7 files path: /var/lib/nethserver/ibay/
NS7 mails path: /var/lib/nethserver/vmail
Can someone please tell me what are the target-paths on NS8, working as a mailrelay and windows-fileserver?
I like to copy/sync files and mails from NS7 to NS8…
NS7 files path: /var/lib/nethserver/ibay/
NS7 mails path: /var/lib/nethserver/vmail
Can someone please tell me what are the target-paths on NS8, working as a mailrelay and windows-fileserver?
NS8 mails path should be (debian):
NS8 files path:
Not tested but rsync could do the trick
However you could have some issue of file permissions but I bet if you restart the ns8 services selinux will accordingly set the good permissions in the podman volume
At least it is a dream not tested but this is a true issue you bring
rsync -avz -e ssh /var/lib/nethserver/vmail root@ns8:/path/2/volume
runagent -m mail1 systemctl --user restart dovecot