Make-rpms fails: Error: Unable to find a match: dnf dnf-plugins-core

I know we should not use anymore make-rpms (from nethserver-mock), but sometimes I am not quite confident with makerpms, or I need to use make-rpms to build SOGo

on fedora31 when I use make-rpms *.spec, I ended with an error

Unable to detect release version (use '--releasever' to specify release version)
No matches found for the following disable plugin patterns: local, spacewalk
No match for argument: dnf
No match for argument: dnf-plugins-core
Error: Unable to find a match: dnf dnf-plugins-core

we can find some bug issues
and a PR of remi

in short the fix is to say to mock, use YUM

drop this in /etc/mock/nethserver-7-x86_64.cfg

config_opts['package_manager'] = 'dnf'

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Would you mind opening a PR?

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This change seems to fix it: