Main Folder won´t show up in TB or Outlook

Hello and goot morning,

I encountered a strange behavior regarding new Main folders in Webtop.

If I add a new main folder in Webtop it wont show up in TB or outlook. Both e-mail clients are connected via IMAP.

If I create a new folder in TB it will show up in Webtop and outlook. Even via TB copied mails will show up in Webtop and outlook.

Is there a special reason why it works that way ? Create folders in TB is a workaround somehow. I would prefer new, in Webtop created folders, show up in clients. Not the other way around.

Thx for advice


It could be that the folder is not automatically subscribed by the client (Thunderbird or Outlook).

On Thunderbird try this:

Right-click on the account name in the left column, then click on “Subscribe” in the menu that pops up.

In the window that appears, click on the “Refresh” button then see if the folder tree has the one you just created on Webtop.

If there is, check to see if there is a tick to the right of it, if not, check it by selecting it with the mouse and clicking on the “Subscribe” button (wait some seconds…).

Finally, click on “OK.”

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Hey Saitobenkai,

that solved it. The 2. variant is to delete the account in TB, make a new account setup and voila, everything is there.

Thx for your advice.
