Mail queue alert


NethServer Version: 7.6.1810 (final) + all last update
Module: email
Hi! :grinning:
I have a suggestion.
My users are sometimes mistaken with the email delivery address.
I see that the letters get stuck in the “Mail queue” and then deleted.
Maybe make some kind of notification for users that sent an email.
Or alert to admin.

Sorry for my English…

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Hi @xcod,

Can be a nice feature on NS.

Till then, I’m using DSN (Delivery Status Notification) on Thunderbird and Outlook. You will be notified every time when you send an email if was sent or not.


Edit: an old post about DSN: Enable DSN on Postfix

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Thank you!
I think if email is delayed(in “Mail queue” of Nethserver) for a long time, then you need to notify the user (or administrator) that he should pay attention to this.

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It’s not work for me.
At the moment I see emails in the “Mail Queue”.
When sending via Thunderbird or webmail (roundcube) email hangs in the “Mail queue” and users do not know about it.
Soon the email will be deleted and will not be delivered.

The user made a mistake in writing the email address.

For me it’s working (please see the attached picture).
I never had emails in Mail Queue of the NS Email Server, except the moments when the internet connections was down or something was wrong with the UTM that I’m using (I have the Email Server placed in DMZ).
The DSN message came from UTM; that means the NS Email Server tried to send the email to the wrong email address through the UTM.