I’ve setup a NS7 server and transfered al my mail from my old server.
Now i noticed that the email is not pushed to my devices. Normallay when a mail arrive i see a notification on my screen of my iphone
When i open the mail app, the new mail appears
I’ve tried a setup with Webtop and Sogo and both i see the same
It is on with all users and all devices.
I switch from ClearOS to NS7, so basically the same distro.
I’ve the problem wih all devices.
Check all notification settings and even remove the profiles
But i think i’ve found the problem.
During testing NS7 i’d also tried webtop. Even i’d removed the webtop installation the were still some files not installed
Now need some extra testing to see if all keeps working
----------- UPDATE ----------
Unfortunately. The mail is not pushed to the mobile devices.
Only when open the mail app, the mail is coming in
Normally you will see a batch and a sound whena new mail is received. Not after opening the app
I’ve found the issue why Sogo was giving problem.
I’ve the DNS enable on the NS7 server and this interfering with my Nethsecurity DNS.
On the local network the phone where trying to connect every second with the mailserver. That gave a lot of messages in the log.
When i disabled the DNS on my NS7 Sogo is working
Still Sogo gives me headaches
All looks goods, but still the Sogo server is loaded with request.
This gives a high server load and drains the battery og the phone.
What i can see now that i is only on the LAN and not when i’m aoutside the LAN
Can this being an issue with Nethsecurity DNS in combination with NS7. (DNS disabled) ?