Mac Outlook client mail configuration

System version
NethServer release 7.5.1804 (final)
Kernel release

I am not able to configure Mac Outlook email client (2011 and latest 16.16.3) to connect to my brand new email server.
Any cue?

I can configure Outlook on Windows, Thunderbird on Windows and Mac, and Apple mail with no problem.

Thank you.

Not off the top of my head. What error messages do you get?

Seem like it is a TLS compatibility issue.
I had the same problem with Zentyal server.
There is a workaround for Microsoft Exchange server, I was wondering if Nethserver had also a workaround.

The problem is with SMTP TLS connection. not pop or imap.


Great, it’s incompatible with their own products…

OK, It is working now.
Made some other test with other computers (mac), and it works.
Sorry about that and thanks anyway.