Lost the Link in Application List of Rspamd after migration to VM

I have tried to reload the nethserver-mail-filter, thought that may do the trick. I saw this posting -

And figured maybe somehow this may be like my issue. So I ran systemctl start redis-rspamd

● rspamd.service - rapid spam filtering system
Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/rspamd.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
Drop-In: /usr/lib/systemd/system/rspamd.service.d
Active: active (running) since Mon 2023-05-01 08:41:36 EDT; 22min ago
Docs: About Rspamd
Main PID: 40688 (rspamd)
CGroup: /system.slice/rspamd.service
├─40688 rspamd: main process; 0.1 msg/sec, 0.0 msg/sec spam, 0.1 msg/sec ham; 2.40s avg processing time
├─41475 rspamd: fuzzy process (localhost:11335)
├─41476 rspamd: rspamd_proxy process (/var/run/rspamd/worker-proxy mode=0770 owner=_rspamd group=mail)
├─41477 rspamd: controller process (
└─41478 rspamd: hs_helper process

So it seems to be running. I just dont have a way to get to the GUI in the applications area. So I figured mayby something is missing …

So I did -

yum reinstall nethserver-mail-*

Running transaction
Installing : nethserver-mail-smarthost-2.32.2-1.ns7.noarch 1/4
Installing : nethserver-mail-common-2.32.2-1.ns7.noarch 2/4
Installing : nethserver-mail-server-2.32.2-1.ns7.noarch 3/4
Installing : nethserver-mail-filter-2.32.2-1.ns7.noarch 4/4
Verifying : nethserver-mail-server-2.32.2-1.ns7.noarch 1/4
Verifying : nethserver-mail-smarthost-2.32.2-1.ns7.noarch 2/4
Verifying : nethserver-mail-filter-2.32.2-1.ns7.noarch 3/4
Verifying : nethserver-mail-common-2.32.2-1.ns7.noarch 4/4

nethserver-mail-common.noarch 0:2.32.2-1.ns7 nethserver-mail-filter.noarch 0:2.32.2-1.ns7
nethserver-mail-server.noarch 0:2.32.2-1.ns7 nethserver-mail-smarthost.noarch 0:2.32.2-1.ns7


Still no GUI in applications for Rspamd.

Not sure what puts GUI in applications. Does anyone know?

