NethServer Version: Nethserver 8
Module: nethsecurity
Hi together,
i instantiated a new Root-Server. The goal is to migrate my long years trusted Nethserver 7 instance to this new Rootserver. Both are placed in the internet (Netcup root server).
My focus now is getting an understanding on NS8 and new installation and first of all prepare it mainly from a security point of view. Then I start over from scratch. So far so good. Nothing to worry about - it’s not a productiv system yet.
I installed successfully via the Qcow2-image, registered the server at the community portal, altered admin password and so on and installed basic things like the LDAP provider. I also tried to migrate something from NS7 to NS8 (Mattermost) which was pretty impressive! This is a damn good thing, NS8: congrats and thanks a lot.
BUT what drives me crazy for hours now: the most important thing before going further is getting Nethsecurity running.
I installed the QCOW2 image, so I assume, that Nethsecurity is already installed - or am I wrong here? If this is so, then installing the Nethsecurity Controller via Software-Center should be enough.
My problem is:
I try for hours and 2 days now to understand how to register a unit (“join code”) with the Unit Manager and getting access to the / a Firewall UI on port 9090.
- Unit is up and running
- Status is “Not registered”
- I created the Nethsecurity Trial (want community) on
First problem: no UI on https://my_ip:9090
When I follow the advice on Remote access — NethSecurity documentation, there is simply no such UI existent.
Second problem: register the unit
When I follow Subscription — NethSecurity documentation I am totally lost, sorry.
- Access the Enterprise or Community portal, add a new server and copy the token → OK, done
- Access the firewall and go to the
page → FULL STOP
? Which firewall on what URL - there is none
? Which “subscription page” - I cannot access the UI “firewall”, so no subscription page
Sorry, totally lost. Probably someone can kick me into the right direction?
Cheers, Axel