Looking forward to NethServer 7

v7-alpha1 update 2015-05-22

:sunglasses: I managed to have:

  • installation procedure on CentOS 7.1.1503 minal
  • networking (with lokkit)
  • server-manager running

:confounded: I also made an attempt with ISO building, but decided to not release the ISO as only unattended installation works!

:icecream: just to have a taste of NethServer 7, install the official CentOS 7.1.1503 Minimal ISO, then type the following commands:

# yum localinstall http://mirror.nethserver.org/nethserver/7.1.1503/base/x86_64/Packages/nethserver-release-7-0.1.6.g3dbb849.ns7.noarch.rpm
# nethserver-install

:point_up: Additional packages can be installed from the Software Center, but they’ll likely not work.

:alarm_clock: The next goal is having every service (ahem, at least …80% of them) up and running, fixing RPM dirs ownership. In the next weeks I’ll fix them one by one, stay tuned!