Looking for the offline docs for NS 8, both admin and dev

PDF or whatever, just need the link so I can download them to read while I’m offline.

To be as clear as I can be I mean like what one has available with Proxmox here; Proxmox VE Documentation Index
The first link is a downloadable pdf.
I want to rtfm while I’m offline and have no internet access.

Also when I write NS 8 I do mean Nethserver not Nethsecurity.

Thank you.

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This seems to be a problem, the NS8 Admin is only available here online:


And no option to download the package as PDF, unlike when using DokuWiki.
The same seems to be valid for the Developer manual:

Only Option seems to grab a tool which can create a PDF from a Website…


My 2 cents

@giacomo what do you think? Maybe it’s just a “read the docs” parameter to flag? if I remember correctly It was present in the old version

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on main NS8 docs, which is using readthedocs, a setting can be enabled to generate PDF. (possibly also doable by users with git clone and some dependencies with sphinx, latex, etc. to generate pdf, but then not so easy).

On NS8 dev, it appears to use Jekyll. Option could be more convoluted. Generating a PDF | Jekyll How-to Guide

On user’s side, to get an offline copy as html or pdf, there’s pandoc, wkhtmltopdf, httrack (and alternatives), wget…
Also all documentation can be downloaded from github and each document can be opened with most markdown viewers/editors (github markdown in rst files…)


Added the build for PDF and epub for the admin manual, is available here: ns8-docs | Read the Docs

There is a menu to this link also inside the doc (bottom left corner).

A PDF for the dev manual can’t be done right now. Also I think it does not worth the effort because the dev manuale changes very often.