Looking for advice on creating a dev version of my production nethserver

NethServer Version: NethServer release 7.3.1611 (Final)

Hello Team,

As I move toward implementing my first Production version of using nethserver (Domain Controller and Nextcloud), I will most likely be adding more modules to my nethserver over time (looking at implementing mail and perhaps chat server). I run my nethserver as a virtual machine (Proxmox Rocks!) and I know I can easily clone my server to have an exact replica of my production server. I know I could setup two versions of nethserver (one development and one prod) but I don’t want to try and keep both in sync all the time…I’m thinking it would be better to create my Development version as a clone of my Prod so I know I’m dealing with apples to apples when I start my testing.

But since I’m using my nethserver as a domain controller, how do I create a clone or exact copy of my production server AND not have my domain name collide? I need to have a way to change my domain name on the clone so that I can run both concurrently during my development work. Once I’m finished I will implement the steps I’ve documented into my production server and I can delete my Dev server until next time.

Does anyone perhaps from the @dev_team have advice for me on what I need to change on a clone of Nethserver so it doesn’t collide? I know I’ll need to change the hostname and IP of course. I’m looking at any other changes within nethserver (like my domain name…how can I safely change that and the IP it uses) when I create a clone?

Thanks in advance for any advice anyone can provide me.

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Simply put your test machine in a different subnet


Thanks for the response @Stefano_Zamboni.

If I do put my machine in a different subnet…don’t I need to change the IP of my domain controller virtual IP? When I look at my accounts provider I see it greyed out and I can’t change this. Is there a command line instruction I can use to change my domain IP. I’ll also spin up a test VM in that same new subnet to help me test my development nethserver.

Looks like I found my answer here:

So @dev_team what do you think? Do I have the steps I need to clone and create my own development nethserver from my Prod server and be able to successfully have apples to apples for testing new features on my dev server?


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You need to update the packages from nethserver-testing repository!

 yum --enablerepo=nethserver-testing update

Hi @davidep thanks for the input.

Sorry I’m not sure what these nethserver-testing repo will do? Let me explain what I’m doing a bit more perhaps.

  • I’m creating a production version of nethserver for my office. Initial setup will be Domain Controller and Nextcloud only.
  • Phase two of my nethserver implementation will be to add an email server to the mix. I don’t want to test in prod so I plan on cloning my production nethserver. This is where I want to create an exact copy of my production nethserver and be not have it collide with my prod server. So I’ll clone it (since it’s a virtual machine) and put the clone in it’s own subnet. I’ll issue the bits to change the IP Address of the DC. Since the clone is in it’s own subnet I probably don’t have to change the hostname.
  • Now that I have a cloned nethserver up and running I can test install new modules like adding mail to my mix of modules. I have apples to apples for my testing because I know that the development version of my nethserver I’ve just created (from the clone) has all the exact settings and setup as my prod version.
  • I can now test the new module being added to my nethserver. I’ll document my setup and then plan my move to implement the new module to my production server.

Is the nethserver-testing repo for more bleeding edge modules of software center?


Yes it’s for testing/development purposes.

If you want to change IP on the current dc stable release (1.1.3) refer to this procedure:


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If you have a switch which does VLANs, put each of them in a separate VLAN, problem solved.

Subnetting is part of networking in Proxmox so I’m all set there. Changing the Domain IP to the new subnet was an important piece that now appears to be solved too.


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Thanks for helping with this man, @quality_team is waiting for you :slight_smile:
Check issues in testing status and lend a hand.