(Daniel (Mastermind is a nickname from my childhood.))
i try a local backup with minio and S3 compatible provider.
So i installed minio over the software center an uses the manual MinIO — NS8 documentation.
The login over the web front end https://minio-ui.nethserver.local works fine.
When i try to setup the backup repository S3 compatible provider, i get always “Cannot authenticate Check repository settings”.
So i do not understand, what i make wrong.
Is a step for step manual available?
I think the documentation reads like it’s optional.
Maybe I misunderstood that.
It runs on the same system.
So is there really a need for a certificate?
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(Daniel (Mastermind is a nickname from my childhood.))
i will use the server only in a local domain.
The server should not be reachable from the internet directly.
Only over VPN.
So is it possible to get a valid certificate for this environment that the connection for backup to minio on the same mashine works?
Giacomo did some research with Restic and Rclone: they both hardly accept a clear-text connection and they do not accept invalid certificates.
It seems using a MinIO instance as backup target can work effectively only with a valid certificate, and this does not make it eligible for a local backup.
For a generic local backup scenario, let’s go on with this discussion:
Sorry, But I am not sure if my question is answered.
At the moment S3 is the only possible way.
So is it possible to get or generate an valid certificate (without an public domain)?
I can not read it out of the answers.
Can you simply say yes or no?
And wehn yes, how this is possipble?
For the general diskussion about the local backup i will use the other feature request.