List of backup file at a specified time

This evening i noticed that a file was deleted from a shared folder.
Perhaps was deleted a week ago by mistake…
My backup cycle is 30 day on a extenal nas (configured as cifs).

How can i search in the backup data of 7 day ago ?

From the manual:
To list all files inside the last backup


But… there is a command to list the file in the backup of X day ago ?
There is a way to search if there is a file in the backup of X day ago with specified name ?

/usr/bin/duplicity list-current-files -archive-dir /var/lib/nethserver/backup/duplicity/ file:///mnt/backup/$(config get SystemName) --time 7D

I think we could add an option to backup-data-list.

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duplicity list-current-files -t 7D file:///mnt/backup_share_folder/
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In addition :

Show list of collected backups:

duplicity collection-status file:///mnt/bakup_folder_path/

Remove old backup:

duplicity remove-older-than 1M --force  file:///mnt/bakup_folder_path/

/usr/bin/duplicity list-current-files -archive-dir /var/lib/nethserver/backup/duplicity/ file:///mnt/backup/$(config get SystemName) --time 7D

It is a useful command but quite complex.

I think that adding an option to backup-data-list would be appreciated :wink:

@nas @filippo_carletti @AbsyntH, @sitz, @Ctek, @stephdl, @WillZen, @Jim I started a page in the wiki to save all useful commands, either try to write in the relevant chapter of the documentation or in

Th original idea is not mine, I simply maintain another same page at