Join AD NS8 to NS7

NethServer Version: 8 beta 2

Hi all,
I’m trying to join the NS8 AD to the existing AD on my NS7, but when I try it replies “TLS error”.
I tried to remove the “TLS auth” but It seems it required in NS8.

Someone have a solution? I have to do something in NS7?

Thanks in advice.

Hi @fffeal

What are NH7, NH8?

I know NS7 and NS8 and am assuming you mean NethServer 7, or 8, both abbreviated with NS7 / NS8…

My 2 cents

Hi @Andy_Wismer

My bad xD;
I mean Nethserver of course, I always say NH with my co-worker, so it’s customary to call him in this way.

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Yes TLS is required by AD in general to protect clear-text LDAP bind. Maybe you have a self-signed certificate, so try with enabling TLS and disabling the TLS verify switch.

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I tried disabling TLS verify, but it still don’t working.
This is the error:

Maybe there are a place on NS7 where I can see if there are a TLS certificate?

What are the values of the parameters?