Italian translation for public mailboxes

The English version of the feature is called “public mailboxes”. Which seems understandable to me:
I create a non-user-related mailbox which the ACL I create allow a user to access.
But in Italian is translated “cartelle pubbliche”, which in english translate like “public folders”. And IMVHO this does not match, because seems more sharing an existing mailbox folder to other users. Which is not something achievable from Cockpit, AFAIK…

Hi Michael,
I don’t speak Italian, so I don’t know the correct translation, but you can login to transifex and change it for a review.

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Oh… wow. Another registering that i’m gonna skip (as for GitHub).
Moreover… Nethesis is an Italian company and most of the developers are Italian. Therefore, more than a contribution my suggestion is quite to start confrontation. Maybe there’s a reason why the description is that, but IMHO that does not fit the meaning.

Because with the italian translation i was completely offtrack when i looked for the function… And English helped me.

You can also login with google :wink:

We should ask the @dev_team

Already logging here with Google, i don’t want to feed that much Mountain View.
Again, thanks but no thanks.

From Transifex logs, two years ago the original translation was “Caselle pubbliche”. Then that was changed to “Cartelle pubbliche” after four days.

I guess “Caselle di posta pubbliche” is the literal translation, but it’s too long IMO.

What’s your proposal?

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IMVHO fits better.
Alternatively “Caselle condivise”. Which is not a proper translation.

Being the author of that translation, I vaguely recall some discussion about it.
It may be related to how other email servers call public mailboxes.


English version of your link reports “public folders”, not public mailboxes into the title of the document.
Lower, instead, the definition for these mailboxes become “public folder mailboxes”, but the object is the mailbox, not the folders.

So the translation made by the publisher of the document is consistent, but as far as i know, if the server’s admin add a entry into that list creates a “mailbox” (casella) not a “folder” (cartella).

Personal POV…