Is there any romanian here who can review my translations on transifex? I just finished translating all the strings and it would be great if there are here any romanians who can review those translations.
Is there any romanian here who can review my translations on transifex? I just finished translating all the strings and it would be great if there are here any romanians who can review those translations.
Thanks man
@liviu @GG_jr @Ctek @Sebastian could you help our new friend?
Thanks @hieuabc
still need help? i’ve learned Romanian and can help
First things first. Welcome aboard!
Did you start to translate on transifex? That’s the place where we translate the strings.
I posted that message asking for people to review my translations on transifex. @Sebastian Reviewed those translations.
If you want to be a part of the translation team you should ask @Sebastian how you can become a member of the romanian translation team.
I saw you said that “you’ve learnt Romanian”. So you are not romanian?
Regarding the translations. I did most of the translations. And I will do it in the future for all the new strings. But it would be great to have some more people in the team who can review my translations (just to be sure they are 100% correct).
That is my message. I posted here Romanian translation review needed.
Could you please review also the latest translations on trasifex?