NethServer Version: 7.9.2009
Module: Webtop/Email
Hello Team,
I recently had an issue whereby my Nethserver - Webtop/Email was stuck and emails could not be sent outside my network and emails could not be received into my Nethserver. I noticed my Email > Queue in Nethserver had loaded up with all the emails my office had been trying to send. I restarted my Nethserver and emails began to flow again.
This led me to wonder how I can check or alert on when this happens in the future. I don’t know if there is a way to schedule the delivery of mail into my Webtop and alert if the mail is not received. Also, I would need a system to send mail from my Webtop and confirm it was not delivered.
So then I wondered if there was a way to monitor the Email > Queue of my Nethserver. Perhaps if I see emails queued up in that module I can be alerted to an issue and look into why emails are being queued and not sent.
Can anyone suggest if there is a way for me to use my Zabbix to monitor my Email > Queue?
I also pay for Nethserver subscription. I get alerts if a service stops. In the problem I had no services stopped so I wasn’t aware of any issue until my office wondered if there was a problem when they noticed no new emails all more morning which was odd. Is there a way from a Nethserver subscription to be alerted if my Queue has emails in it for a period of time (like longer than 5 or 10 minutes)?
Thank you in advance for any help or direction you can provide me.