Is NethServer the right name for the new version?

(Has to be said in a movie announcer voice)

In a sea of other solutions, deep in the heart of the neutral zone of cloud computing, docker, podman, applications and server wars comes a Server solution like no other.

-==(((DeepServer 9)))==-

With it’s Interped cast of Systems Administrators, Technology Analysts, Engineers, Coders, Technical Support and The Community!

You’ll be amazed at the Crew of DeepServer 9, as they bob and weave through countless options, apps and traps trying to find the best fit for their server-ival (server ha! couldn’t help it).

It’s a make it or break you time in the universe where things have gotten busy and their not gonna QUIT! Their just getting started!

It will make you laugh, cry, angry and just plain happy to be apart of this grand project. Don’t miss out! Become part of the family!

DeepServer 9!!!

  • The story, all names, characters, and incidents portrayed in this production are fictitious. No identification with actual persons (living or deceased), places, buildings, and products is intended or should be inferred.
    The participants in this project are not the original people and names have been changed to protect the innocent.

