Is my NS7 -> NS8 migration going to fail

I just kicked off the syncing data part of the final step of the migration from NS7 → NS8 which is now chugging along at 0%. Tailing the ns8-migration.log it appears to be working it’s way through all the files on my shared storage running an rsync.

Where’s it putting those files, because there’s no equivalent storage attached to the NS8 image.


The final step is usually the account provider or is it about another module?

In general the files are rsynced to a podman volume on NS8.

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It was the “Sync Data” part ahead of the “Finish Migration” for the Local Active Directory.

Yes, they were being synced to a volume, so if I hadn’t have killed the rsync it would have eventually blown all the space available to the NS8 server.

So, here’s my dilemma. I currently run both NS7 and NS8 in Proxmox, with 12 drives passed through and mounted in NS7. I’m guessing that I need to unmount those drives from NS7 but leave the mount points available (to have them correctly created in NS8) before I start the Sync and Migration.


OK, so I cancelled the migration and restarted it, but before restarting I unmounted all the external drives which are merged into a single filesystem with mergerfs (Boy, is that going to be fun setting it up in NS8, although I may not bother as I have some new fileserver hardware on order). This time I was able to go through all the steps and it appears to have worked correctly, apart from throwing this error on the NS8 side:

This is the task trace:

{"context":{"action":"remove-external-domain","data":{"domain":""},"extra":{"description":"ns8-action endpoint","isNotificationHidden":true,"title":"cluster/remove-external-domain"},"id":"50045bac-a1b2-4cc7-9b4f-b54a165dd10a","parent":"","queue":"cluster/tasks","timestamp":"2024-04-17T21:36:10.90332426Z","user":"admin"},"status":"validation-failed","progress":0,"subTasks":[],"validated":false,"result":{"error":"","exit_code":2,"file":"task/cluster/50045bac-a1b2-4cc7-9b4f-b54a165dd10a","output":[{"error":"domain_not_found","field":"domain","parameter":"domain","value":""}]}}


This validation error is generated by NS7 to check if a domain needs to be removed. It is just a “probe check” that can be ignored.