Is it possible to modify smb.conf for special share?

NethServer Version: v7
Module: samba

Hello again :slight_smile: i have a new question i am hoping for some leads. Using the:
Shared Folders
from the Web page i am able to make basic share setups. There are some special shares from old server that run like this:
smb.conf from old server:

(special share)

Looking at smb.conf and /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/samba/smb.conf it becomes clear that i cannot manually add:
path = /var/lib/nethserver/ibay/cad/G
or modify what i have currently:
cat /etc/samba/smb.conf
path = /var/lib/nethserver/ibay/G

and modify to the above. Is there a way to do this i am missing?

thank you for any advise :smile:

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I think you can use template and expand smb.conf
But why it’s a special share? What particular configuration do u have to do?

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Thank you for the reply. What is needed is to share out a folder as its own share within a share already.

So on the old samba server:

path = /storage/files/cad
browseable = yes
writeable = yes
inherit acls = yes
inherit permissions = yes
#force user = root
#force group = domadmins
#valid users = +acad,+domadmins,root,administrator

and the special or extra share from within that share to allow other devices…

path = /storage/files/cad/G
browseable = yes
writeable = yes
inherit acls = yes
inherit permissions = yes
force user = root
force group = domadmins
valid users = +acad,+domadmins,root,administrator

Is what i am trying to do but unsure how to proceed in nethserver. Thank you for any advice :smile:

Here is how templates work:

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Thank you all, that is exactly what i am needed to learn :slight_smile:
I will go test this on a dummy server.
Thank you again :slight_smile: