Is it possible to do a partial match of an email address?


NethServer Version: 7.6.1810
Module: mail
I would like to have so all mails that start with say info to be sent to the same mailbox regardless what is between info and the @-sign. So info@domain.tld, info12345@domain.tld should be sent to the same mailbox without having to register each variant.

Is it possible to do something like that? I know there is a function to catch all unknown recipients and what I’m looking for is a variant of that behaviour.

Could you vary the desired behavior to split at a + sign? So info@, info+12345@, info+bigreddog@, etc. would all go to the same place? Because Neth works that way by default.

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Is this to have “different” email addresses for different customers or do you want to have some special kind of ‘catch-all-info’ emails?
in the first case I would suggest to just create aliases. That works great. I have several aliases for my own account and with every webshop or shady newsletter I use an alias so I can track who is mailing me (and who is selling my emailaddresses)

The purpose is to allow quick creation of alias addresses without having to add it for everyone in advance. So a user should be able to create an alias for themselves by having a prefix assigned to them and then whatever is sent that begins with that prefix regardless what follows should be sent to that user. So the purpose is the same as you describe above but for users that don’t have the possibility to add aliases.

That sounds like a possible solution, I’ll test that.