Is Adding All domains pointed to the Nethserver as alias necessary?

NethServer Version: latest
Module: dns

I have always added all the domains i plan to use on nethserver as alias on the Nethserver dashboard, after i set up the hostname.

What i want to inquire today is,

Is it really necessary to do this, or i only need to add the hostname of the server and everything else will be assigned by their respective virutalhost so long as the subdomains are pointed to the server ip…

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If you use domain names pointing to the public server IP it’s not necessary.


so the only place i would add them is the ssl section and thats it.

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i discovered something interesting.
1, it was not possible to install LE without installing web hsoting services and relevant componetns.

Also, it was not possible to request for LE cert for all the domains at once, it caused issues.

After requesting for LE of the hostname, it was now possible to request cert for ll the others combined.

interesting, not sure this is same to all others

AFAIK certificates including LE and webserver module are installed by default.

There could be several issues, like networking or bad config files, are any errors in the logfiles?

OK, so it’s alright. Maybe the first request was not working due to network issues.

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