Iptables GeoIP for NethServer 7

Brief instructions to add GeoIP support to iptables in NethServer 7.
Thanks to Luigi Iotti for the packages (http://www.iotti.biz/) and to opensuse for the db.

yum install http://repo.iotti.biz/CentOS/7/noarch/lux-release-7-1.noarch.rpm
yum install xtables-addons
yum install
eorepo base updates extras epel nethserver-base nethserver-updates

To create firewall rules using countries, follow the howto for 6:


hmm, maybe also here it is right:

I am on 7.2 RC1 and try to install the GeoIP support. Finished with an error

ERROR: A country-code require GeoIP Match in your kernel and iptables /etc/shorewall/rules (line 89)
And the shorewall stopped.

Any Solution for that?

Never tested, but you need to run the standard kernel, not the one with nDPI support (kernel-lt).

P.S. Please do not cross-post :wink:

anyone use this in NethServer release 7.3.1611 (Final)? did it work?

any further updates re geoip i keep getting heaps from china

The instruction above still applies, AFAIK.

A stable/integrated package could be deployed about this important feature?


@filippo_carletti @davide_marini do you see any drawbacks? Is it worth doing some work on it?

A little up for this feature. Which could be really useful for some kind of applications, IMVHO.

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The biggest part of the development is about a complex User Interface.
I can do all the work under the hood if an aspiring developer wants to join me.

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Could be nations, continents, ISPs just… firewall objects? IpFire behave quite like that.

Any update on getting this to work with 7.3.1611? Does not exist. Is there an alternate download?

I downloaded and installed xtables-geoip-2015.08-66.4.noarch.rpm and still no luck. I’m getting “ERROR: A country-code require GeoIP Match in your kernel and iptables /etc/shorewall/rules (line 72)”

modinfo xt_geoip
filename: /lib/modules/3.10.0-514.26.2.el7.x86_64/weak-updates/xtables-addons/xt_geoip.ko
alias: ipt_geoip
alias: ip6t_geoip
description: xtables module for geoip match
author: Samuel Jean
author: Nicolas Bouliane
license: GPL
rhelversion: 7.2
srcversion: 67CE5590C8BAA1B9CA961BB
vermagic: 3.10.0-327.36.2.el7.centos.plus.x86_64 SMP mod_unload modversions

modinfo xt_ndpi
modinfo: ERROR: Module xt_ndpi not found.

Thanks for your help…

AFAIK there is no other ready to use RPM.

You can try this repository (but I guess it will not work for the current kernel):

Or compile it by yourself:

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Thanks for the info… I’ll compile my own…

Let us know if it works! :wink:

@kfarmer hi, sorry for bugging you. Have you any kind of news? :slight_smile:

@pike I reply to you quoting Filippo.

@areguera @stephdl @dev_team anyone interested?

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So far I have had no luck at getting it to compile. The sticking point is the xt_TARPIT.o extension. This module is one I would definitely want to have.

“TARPIT captures and holds incoming TCP connections using no local per-connection resources.”

I’m was trying to compile with
Kernel: 3.10.0-693.2.2.el7.x86_64

I believe the issue will be Redhat Enterprise kernels have an incompatible API.

It looks like I will downgrading back to Centos 6 until 2020 when support ends.

I just reviewed my instructions on a clean system and confirmed that GeoIP works perfectly on 7.3.
I can confirm that the tarpit module doesn’t work by default with the following error:

xt_TARPIT: disagrees about version of symbol ip6_dst_hoplimit
xt_TARPIT: Unknown symbol ip6_dst_hoplimit (err -22)

I suggest you to try to centosplus kernel (I will do soon).

Updated instructions:

yum install http://repo.iotti.biz/CentOS/7/noarch/lux-release-7-1.noarch.rpm
yum install xtables-addons
yum install http://ftp.gwdg.de/pub/opensuse/tumbleweed/repo/oss/suse/noarch/xtables-geoip-2016.09-1.2.noarch.rpm
yum install -y yum-utils
yum-config-manager --disable lux
shorewall show -f capabilities > /etc/shorewall/capabilities
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The centosplus kernel has the same problem/error of the standard kernel.

I compiled a new kmod-xtables-addons and the tarpit module works as expected.
@kfarmer are you interested in testing the kmod?