Introducing new members on community - 18 Jan 16

I don’t know how old are you, but I can say you that every day you’d die for almost 10000 reasons…
you can’t control it… just live and enjoy…

BTW, in paris, most of victims were french… so…

definitely OT here, I’ll just follow the “live and let live” way

I was just kidding :smile:. There are many people who are saying that. I’m not someone who’s “s****ing in his pants” because of such an incident :smile:. Don’t worry. My age is in my ‘presentation’ .

Nono, no one’s saying that I well understand all your concerns. Surely it’s not the best time, we know that, so don’t feel judged. Absolutely! @zamboni’s sentences was a bit out of line.

Don’t worry, everything’s allright :smile:.
Another question: is there an age limit on this congress? I didn’t see anything on the FOSDEM site…

i’m italian lives near Rimini,i’m an aspiring system administrator .
I’m very appassionate in server administration ,unfortunally i have worked only on windows server because company are very closed and open to tecnology.
I have had the opportunity end the pleasure to know Nethesis in Pesaro, and here i have knowed about NethServer.
For me it was a disturbing experience knowing about NethServer,it really open me a new world.
I’m very passionate about Linux and open source in fact my graduation thesis concerned about the virtualizazion in KVM .
I spent my little free time to increase my skills for working better.
Actually i 'm testing since two weeks Nethserver in a VM and i want to continue in exploring this wonderfull products.
P.s. Sorry for my bad English :smile:

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No, absolutely not! Saturday afternoon we will have our Community meeting there. Sunday 31st, I will be there with my 2 sons (14 and 15 years old) Sunday are a lot of games development with opensource and they both are into that.

Fosdem is really… REALLY big… expect 2000+ visitors!
You can read more about Fosdem at FOSDEM 2016 - Home

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Hello there,
I’m sorry but I can’t come but instead I’m going to watch the livestream. If you want to quickly contact me, you can add me on Skype :smiley:

Ehi how is it going with your new features? Are you going to migrate also other Zentyal servers?

Ehi @Guilherme_Silveira how are you? Would you still like to contribute? We need a help here, there are many modules to test, check the Development category

@mikabeckerich are you still around? Would you like to contribute testing something?

Hey Alefattorini.

Yes, even though I am not anymore in the project I would use it I am
willing to join effectively in the community :slight_smile:

2016-05-06 17:16 GMT+01:00 Alessio Fattorini <>:

Good! You can start off with testing our last alpha2 and share your feelings

Hi Alessio

Everything is running on NethServer Now…


@alefattorini Don’t worry, I’m still alive :slight_smile: . It was a bit more quiet around me, because I’m planning on the server setup on my school :smiley: . Of course I can test something, just tell me, what to do. Maybe I can build it/use it in the project.

Be ready for the Beta 3 release, ISO will be available soon!

In the meanwhile, have you started with translating something?

At the moment, I didn’t start anything new. The only thing I made is to help translating on transifex, but it seems that there isn’t anything left to do in the german translation (except the revision). I need to look over the docs to find something to start again.