I need to mount an NTFS formatted drive, but it seems like ntfs-3g is not already installed nor present in the repos.
I ran several searches related to Nethserver and even CentOS, but couldn´t find a way to safely install it. I did find suggestion about using EPEL repository but the system said epel wasn´t available and I didn´t want to force the use of an unsupported repo that could eventually break the system.
@alefattorini, Hi man, I just read the posts and I think that should do it. Thanks for caring.
@stephdl… I know very well how to do my searches, by my posts you could have seen that I found about epel but what I don’t know is if it’s safe to go that route as I am new to Nethserver and not versed enough in its parity level with CentoOS.
With al due respect, you are engaging users with the wrong attitude if you are trying to provide assistence.
No problem for me…it is just a joke that I have had myself from others also, but you are right i’m not good in forum assistance. I do prefer to help on other areas.