Installed packages Updates Details Going weird

Hi There,

I have installed an update packages but I can’t remove it back. It just a bunch of list. After installed/add new package via web/server manager I get this (picture below), how/why it happened? It weird just like below:

and so are updates it look as below

not as before, where I can choose to what to update.

Now I can’t uninstall/remove Updated packages.

Please help/guide…

Thank you

Sorry for the late response, I didn’t see your question before.

Applications you can remove at the application menu at cockpit.

Click at the at the three points at the right of the application and choose Remove

Also you are able to uninstall your packages at the terminal.

yum remove [package_name]

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Hi @m.traeumner,

I expect it to be like in the following picture

when click on Installed packages button. Unfortunately such a function may have been discarded. I don’t think it’s appropriate if we have to use consule
such as

‘yum remove [package_name]’

to remove it because for me it doesn’t fit the actual function of Netserver. But please correct me if I am wrong.
One more thing, not all additional packages that have been added exist in the removable Applications section. As per your picture above. However the moderators and community here are very helpful.

Thank you

@fadzli is right. For example FTP Server can be uninstaledl at the old interface, not at cockpit. I disabled it at cockpit, but of course it’s still there. Have a look at the pictures please.

with the enterprise version you cannot at all remove an application from the UI.

This is a unwanted feature or a bug, FTP is part of nethserver-httpd and do not gets its own user interface so you cannot remove it from the interface


We have made a fix on the httpd application, since the apache server is a mandatory for some reasons, we have removed the ability to desinstal nethserver-http from the application list. We are looking for testers please