Installation and update problems

Is there a new pre-built version or a new repository I can install from scratch with the bugs resolved? I followed the instructions and have it running on centos9 and tried the VMDK file but I have problems running any update or installing anything, or establishing my domain and would rather not have to go through solving each of them if there is an updated repository to pull from or something… Can anyone provide assistance?

Now I am able to update the core and download applications. I set my FQDN and tried to configure users and groups but am running into three errors… Anyone else running into this?

Traceback (most recent call last): File "/var/lib/nethserver/cluster/actions/list-domain-users/50list_users", line 31, in <module> domain = Ldapproxy().get_domain(request['domain']) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/agent/pypkg/agent/", line 42, in get_domain = self._load_domains() ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/agent/pypkg/agent/", line 91, in _load_domains assert(not ldapproxy_instance is None) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ AssertionError


How did you do this please step by step?

I installed the VMDK file into my virtual box on my linux computer. From here I upgraded my core to the newest version in the software center for updates. From here I set my FQDN and installed additional applications such as email, mattermost, next cloud… Then I went to establish my domain for installing samba AD. The install went perfectly fine and when I go to users and groups to add anything, I get those errors as soon as i go to the users and groups portion of my cluster.

Oh also I tried with both Open LDAP and Samba but I get the same error for both.

Maybe @davidep can give you some pointers.


Thank you I will see if he can provide any information or a more stable build or something. I tried installing nano to edit the file and see what was going on to see if i needed to change any default information (like “yourdomain.lan” sort of thing) but when i did that and typed in the file extension shown in the error message, it came up blank. Is there something I am missing? I followed the instructions from the docs page and it doesn’t seem to be working as depicted.