Insecure PHP version for wordpress

Bumping this thread since I am fiddling a bit with WP module.
What I encounter is that several themes and plugins require a newer version of php. In most cases php7.x
Is there a way to make the Nethserver-wordpress module work with a newer version of php?
On a clean, up-to-date nethserver 7.6 install I added nethserver-wordpress from stephdl repo
Wordpress is not visible as one of the appplications and not mentioned as Vhost.
This last thing (mentioned as Vhost) would be necessary to force a php version from php-scl
any suggestions?

yes I suppose it is the only way to remove the php check, what version is supposed to run, we could use php71, php72 IIRC

7.1 is almost eol, so If it were a 7.x version then 7.2 (or even 7.3)

Can’t the worpress module be created in a vhost so php-scl can be used?

/edit: anyone else encouters problems when trying to install remi-repo? For me it looks like it’s offline…

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It takes around 10min to install remi-repo and sometimes it fails.

working on it, soon something to test with rh-php72

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please check Nethserver-wordpress with rh-php72

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Hi all,

First time I read this thread.

About the report by WordPress for PHP version.

I had that problem long time ago but I found out that WordPress is looking inside php.ini for the version and that is why it reports old version. This, I can not explain…

If you install the extension Duplicator, it has under Tools → Diagnostics → Information a report of all the versions of all the software WorPress is using. It will display the correct version and it wil not be the same as the one WordPres is reporting.

My sites are using PHP Collection and I specify to use PHP-7.2. Duplicator report PHP-7.2.22 which is the correct version.
