Incorporation of Git lab Server

am thinking of the addition of the Gitlab server to neth server
what are you views and opinion?


It seems easy to install on a centos6 host

Maybe some nethserver-package should be installed in addition of other rpms. I mean nethserver-{email,httpd,mysql} and probably other.

The only question I can not answer is the interest of a module like that since it is destined to developers and my needs won’t fit you needs, so I prefer to install this kind of software from scratch, but of course …IMHO

killer idea… it would be something that would light this distro afire…

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With the Option of either enabling it or not will be a good compromise :smiley:

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It would be a one stop shop :smiley:

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Why not? Sounds good, do you want try to install it on NethServer following @stephdl suggestions? Please write down an howto about your work :wink: could be really interesting!

Well, after some beers/hours…of thinking, I shared with members of my LUG about gitlab. My opinion has changed, probably the number of beers can explain this.

I should have a go on this topic…a day.

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