I have prepared for you a VM with fresh NS install (with default setting) and only the edition of the ifcfg-ensXXX file and creation of the route-ensXXX file and ifdown ensXXX and ifup ensXXX to give you access to the VM.
I have done that I have specified here:
I have not done that I have noted here:
I have not done a first connection in Cockpit to show you all problems, when you will change the default FQDN, you will lost the connection, I will need to connect in console to add again the route.
After the second connection in Cockpit, you will need to change the company name.
You will see Network section and the next problem…
The ensXXX is not in red, impossible to change it, impossible to put the real good GATEWAY because the IP_FAILOVER (not the IP of the ESXI / Proxmox) / NETMASK, etc.
Please read the LAN part too here:
Note in Network section, there is a “Routing info” button, it is read-only: impossible to change in Cockpit.
I have sent you an email.