I just used the imapsync module for the first time today and I’ve a few remarks / requests :
I had some difficulties to connect to OVH’s mail server, they’re really selective as of how one can log in (SSL + port 993 mandatory) and the FQDN one has to use is not clear. I had to look to the logs to understand what was going on. Maybe reporting that error message in the GUI would help users.
Because OVH is French, the IMAP folders are in French too . imapsync struggles to figure out how to map the remote / local folders when names differs. I wish there was a way to manually map i.e Sent Items and Eléments Envoyés from the GUI. That might be a nice improvement since imapsync supports that.
That’s why I used imapsync OVH is not reliable anymore and their administrative mess is unbearable nowadays.
I agree that my user case is probably not so usual. Thanks for pointing me the files that might help me customize the thing. I still have to figure out how to handle the UTF8 encoding for “Éléments envoyés”
My idea at first was presenting a treeview of remote and local inbox to help the user map the folders but I understand that a bit too much asking