Identifying last updates

NethServer Version: 7.8.2003
Module: All of them


I have installed a bunch of updates last Friday. I did not pay attention to what is to be updated at all. Unfortunately, one/some of the updates break on our 3CX SIP phone system.

I am now waiting for a possible update to be released soon. I also have doubts that upcoming update will fix the problem.

I wonder if;
1- Is it possible to identify which modules are updated last time an update run in the NethServer?
2- It is possible to revert whatever is installed with that last update to see if problem gets fixed?

Thanks & Regards,


Hi Ertan

The yum way should work:

yum history

-> You will be shown what was updated when - a list of updates with an ID Number for each.

yum history undo <ID number>

-> This will need a reboot afterwards!

As a Tip:

Get regular Backups of your NethServer, and, if possible, do either a snapshot or a backup before any critical updates! Works best, if using a Hypervisor underneath like Proxmox (or VMWare ESXi or whatever).

My 2 cents

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