I wish there was a ns8 app for this

Simply add your wish as a reply to this post. Maybe Santa reads it :slight_smile:

You might want to check one of the 100+ apps here

Hello Santa

An app for UPS

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ClamAV as a stand alone app for other apps.
ClamAV docker image

Apache webserver instead of sftpgo

@MadPatrick Check out NS8-LAMP. See also ns8:applications:lamp [NethServer & NethSecurity]

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A real DNS (although I actually do not need it right now because I have it on container on my host anyway).
Missed opportunity really, as it was a discussion back in NS7 days too.
And I hear NethSecurity ALSO doesn’t have that.

you mean authoritative DNS.

i think it should be possible now to add PowerDNS as well as TEchnitium DNS,

as for others, we do Have DNS resolvers

I believe I know my networking.
No, I don’t mean an authoritative DNS. I mean a real DNS, with the ability to hold all types of records. That’s all.

A real DNS can hold stub zones (so, not authoritative, but still able to keep SoA records) or seconday zones (so it gets copies from the primary, possibly authoritative DNS).
It can also be used for split DNS, so it can provide LAN addressing to publicly accessible FQDN, but cannot be considered authoritative for the domain, as is only used internally.

Thanks for supporting the idea to have the option for Technitium and/or PowerDNS.

Since this below came up, I wish for a way to get mail from another (front) mail server (many times a front-end/back-end mail server setup exists) and still use NS8 mail system filters and anti-spam.

Overcoming Imapsync Limitations: Working with Sieve Filters - Feature - NethServer Community

I’d love to see a Calibre Server (with Calibre Web interface) app for NS8.


There is actually
here is the first one

second one:

they are in the software center…

you just need to add the geniusdynamics repo in the software center


Thnx! found it.

One more issue: any advise on hiding the calibre interface from being accessed?
Since I run ns8 on a VPS there is direct internet access. I have appointed a subdomain to the calibre app. When browsing to that subdomain everything in calibre is wide open.
I could remove the DNS entry as a last resort, but would prefer to have it protected by some other option.


HEllo Rob, there is a new version of Calibre web we will be working on soon, that includes the Import manager, meaning you wont have to use the Desktop version of Calibre on the Vps Server.
I think that would serve your needs much better.
here crocodilestick/Calibre-Web-Automated: Calibre-Web but automated and with Calibre features! Fully automate and simplify your eBook set up!

its been discussed here NS8-Calibre-web Application - App - NethServer Community

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