httpd listens on both port 80 and port 443, it’s impossible to have it working only on one port, unless you have heavily customized apache configration with custom templates.
The most common configuration error is to add a port forward for port 443 to a different system.
fuser -vn tcp 443
will tell if httpd is listening.
If not, you can try to restart it from the Services page.
I have comapred out the config files with another instance of nethserver7, where the https is working propelly.
So, i found, in the server have a /etc/httpd/conf.d/ssl.conf file, what was missing in my server with the problemes. After copiing it to the server with the peoblem, it’s working properly.
The quiestion is, how can be removed from there?
I have just ran the signals more times:
signal-event nethserver-httpd-update
signal-event nethserver-httpd-save
And these two command, why not regenerated the missing ssl.conf file?