Howto install Zabbix 3.4


It’s part of the standard Linux OS Templates with Zabbix Agent:

For a standard Linux Workstation / Server 300 may be good enough.
For a NethServer running under a low to medium load, that is soon not enough…

I’d suggest creating a clone of that template (maybe called Nethserver-Zabbix?) and setting it there.
A DB entry may be cool, but may be overkill, as it’s setable in the Zabbix GUI…

My 2 cents


OK, now I understand. I thought it’s something coming from a config file.

Yes, using a separate template for bigger Nethserver installation/environments instead of using the default Linux OS template makes sense.

Basically I think it’s hard to predefine because it depends on how you want to build and use your Zabbix (and Nethserver).
As it easily could be done in UI I don’t think it’s necessary to create a Nethserver template in the module yet.


Yes, you’re right. I also thought it came from the nethserver-zabbix config. It’s easier to supply a template.

My 2 cents

PS: By Saturday I’ll be able to supply a multiple tested procedure for downsizing the PGSQL database… (Still 3 sites to test. Planed for tomorrow.)

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